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Individual Donor Levels
Diamond Level

Donations from $5000 and up will be recognized in this level.  Patrons name will be listed as Diamond level supporter in the playbill and other donor lists.

Platinum Level

Donations from $1000 - $4999 will be recognized in this level.  Patrons name will be listed as Platinum level supporter in the playbill and other donor lists.

Gold Level

Donations from $500 - $999 will be recognized in this level.  Patrons name will be listed as Gold level supporter in the playbill and other donor lists.

Silver Level

Donations from $250 - $499 will be recognized in this level.  Patrons name will be listed as Silver level supporter in the playbill and other donor lists.


Donations from $100 - $249 will be recognized in this level.  Patrons name will be listed as Bronze level supporter in the playbill and other donor lists.

Patron Level

Donations up to $99 will be recognized in this level.  Patrons name will be listed as Patron in the playbill and other donor lists.
